Passing locations to tests
It is possible to query a number of locations
ivypot.repoDetails.root (1)
ivypot.repoDetails.rootUri (2)
ivypot.repoDetails.binariesRoot (3)
ivypot.repoDetails.getBinariesRootFor('nodejs') (4)
ivypot.repoDetails.groovyRepository (5)
ivypot.repoDetails.kotlinRepository (6)
1 | The location of the off-line repository. |
2 | A URI to the location of the off-line repository. |
3 | The location under which binaries will be downloaded from binary repositories |
4 | The location under which binaries will be downloaded for a specific binary repository.
The repository must be defined in the root ivypot.binaryRepositories block. |
5 | The location of a file that can be included in compatibility tests and which defines the off-line repository in the correct Groovy DSL syntax. |
6 | The location of a file that can be included in compatibility tests and which defines the off-line repository in the correct Kotlin DSL syntax. |
All of the above return lazy-evaluated providers. |
These providers are useful for passing down to tests. For example:
tasks.named('test', Test) {
systemProperty (
In an attempt to be helpful, when Ivypot is applied to a single project or to the subprojects of a multi-project, it will add the following system properties to every task of type Test
Directory where off-line repository is located. |
File URI for the off-line IVY repository. |
Top directory where binaries are stored. |
File URI to the above location. |
Location of the Groovy DSL repository file. |
File URI for Groovy DSL. |
Location of the Kotlin DSL repository file. |
File URI for Kotlin DSL |
This can then be used in a test and the following example Spock test will show.
class ExampleSpec extends Specification {
public static final String REPO_FILE = System.getProperty(
) (1)
File testProjectDir (2)
void 'some test'() {
final result = GradleRunner.create()
result.task(':myTestTask').outcome == SUCCESS
void writeBuildFile() {
new File(testProjectDir,'build.gradle').text = """
plugins {
id 'my.plugin.under.test'
${new File(REPO_FILE).text} (3)
1 | Location of the file. |
2 | Spock temporary directory. |
3 | Extract content. |