IvyPot - A Gradle plugin for Off-line Repositories

Not all development teams have the luxury of relying on Maven Central for day to day development. Some of them are still fortunate to proxy public repositories via in-house Artifactory or Nexus instances. Others have even more strict requirements including the ability to be able to build an isolated environment.

Then there are those with projects that need to download artifacts during testing. It becomes costly in bandwidth to do this, it slows down tests and it could be flaky. It would be so much better to have all of those binaries locally.

This plugin is for all of you that fall into the above categories. It allows for public dependencies, including transitive dependencies, to be downloaded in a controlled manner and the internal security processes to be applied to the binary files before committing them to an internal storage area.

This project original lived at Github, but moved to Gitlab in the Covid-19 month of April 2020.


The minimum Gradle version required to run this plugin is 8.2.1. This plugin also has been tested against the following versions: 8.9, 8.11.1. The minimum JRE version to run against is the higher of 11 and the minimum requirement of the specific Gradle version.

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